Megaman x5 axle the red
Megaman x5 axle the red

megaman x5 axle the red

The charged shot will create huge lightning bolts that fly down the screen at given intervals. This is very useful for striking any enemies surrounding X as if the bolts miss them, the energy balls could easily catch an enemy off guard. Once they strike a wall, ceiling or floor, large energy balls will appear and crawl along the terrain for a short distance. This weapon will shoot out three electric bolts, one forward, above and below X. The Tri-Thunder is gained once you defeat Squid Adler.

megaman x5 axle the red

The charged shot will create eight massive ice blocks, four on each side of X will fly out and come crashing down, destroying any enemies below or near X. This is useful for hitting enemies attached to walls. This weapon fires out a small blue cloud-like projectile which will crawl along the floor and walls until it strikes a target.

megaman x5 axle the red

The Gel Shaver (aka Goo Shaver) is gained once Duff McWhalen is defeated. The field doesn't use up continuous energy while in use. The charged shot will create an energy barrier around X which can protect him from enemies, any target striking the field will be damaged or destroyed. The blade can slice through most enemies, inflicting heavy damage. This weapon fires out a small boomerang-shaped blade which will fly away from X in a straight or diagonal path. The C-Shot is gained once you defeat Grizzly Slash. When you charge up a special weapon, the number will change to indicate how many more charged shots you can perform. Below the energy bar for each weapon is a number which indicates how many times you can fire it until the energy runs out. The secondary fire can only be used with the Fourth Armor or the Ultimate Armor. X can only use special weapons with his normal, Fourth, Falcon and Ultimate armor suits. The Gaea Armor uses a shorter-range but powerful energy blast which can destroy certain blocks. The Falcon Armor has a special charged shot which is stronger than the normal X-Buster and the blasts can fire through walls. Unlike previous X games, the X-Buster cannot shoot through solid objects. The standard X-Buster in X's normal and Fourth armor can fire off the usual small energy blasts as well as the heavier charged-up shot. Every armor suit for X will have a different version of the X-Buster, each which have their own special abilities. You have the X-Buster from the start of the game. Each weapon has its own special abilities and can be a certain bosses' weakness or can assist him to retrieve certain items that are out of reach or hidden from view. The Ground Fire and Quake Blazer are the most effective attacks to use against him.Each new weapon X gains when he or Zero defeat each of the eight bosses. Zero can copy this technique.Īs a plant-based Reploid, Rosered is vulnerable to fire. This hologram is solid and can inflict damage on opponents. Twin Dream - Rosered produces a holographic copy of himself.This attack is quite similar to Wood Man's Leaf Rain attack. Petal Rain - Rosered launches some petals into the air, after which they will slowly float down.Thorn Ball - Rosered generates a spiked ball that is launched forward and lingers on the screen for a few seconds before disappearing.Spike Ball - Rosered's vine is coiled up into a projectile ball that gets sent bouncing off of surfaces and maiming any enemies it touches.Vine Whip - Rosered strikes his opponent with a thorny vine.Rosered also expressed disapproval of the Hunters' methods, citing the Repliforce incident from Mega Man X4 when playing as Zero. When the Maverick Hunters encountered him while searching for the Orbiter Engine, he resisted, stating that they would need to fight him to obtain it and that he doesn't care what happens to Earth as he would be able to steal anything he wants during the panic. So, Rosered hid himself away in an abandoned military base in the jungle where he at some point in time obtained an Orbiter Engine needed for the Maverick Hunters' Space Shuttle. As the process and cause of this mutation could not be determined, it was believed that this strange evolution could create a threat more serious than the virus itself. Rosered originated from a very rare and mysterious mutation between a Reploid, the nature control unit of a Ukrainian jungle, and the Sigma Virus.


He is one of the few Reploids in the series based on a plant rather than an animal. Spike Rosered (known as Axle the Red in the original American release) is one of the eight selectable Maverick bosses from Mega Man X5.

Megaman x5 axle the red